Childfree By Choice.Com

News & Notes About the Childfree Life!

Childless By Choice!


"Do women who have fewer or no children live longer? A study of genealogical records kept by British aristocrats for 1,200 years shows that nearly half of all women who survived past 81 were childless. Similar results held for men. One explanation, says Thomas Kirkwood, a biologist at the University of Manchester, is that when the body commits more of its resources for reproduction, fewer might be available to support a long life."

--Discover Magazine,

Childfree By Choice:
Childfree-Thinker Weblog

  • Telegraph: Do Parents Overplay the Kid Card? (3/25/05)
    "Rather than complaining about the selfishness of parents and waging covert warfare in the workplace, the childfree could be demanding the same flexibility for themselves - and are beginning to do so. They are asking for time off to look after sick relatives, or for the equivalent of maternity leave to write a book, or work for a charity. As Manda says: 'I'm not trying to take away, I want an equal share.'"

  • Telegraph: Do Parents Overplay the Kid Card? (3/25/05)
    "Rather than complaining about the selfishness of parents and waging covert warfare in the workplace, the childfree could be demanding the same flexibility for themselves - and are beginning to do so. They are asking for time off to look after sick relatives, or for the equivalent of maternity leave to write a book, or work for a charity. As Manda says: 'I'm not trying to take away, I want an equal share.'"

  • Reuters: Most Single Japanese Women Want to Stay Unmarried 2/25/05

    "The country's fertility rate -- the average number of children born to a woman during her lifetime -- fell to 1.29 in 2003, the lowest in the post-World War II period."

  • San Francisco Chronicle: Picky Suitors Narrow Search to Niche Sites (2/14/05)
    "Moms and dads looking to form their own Brady Bunch can hit the Single Parents Network, while folks who never want to be moms and dads can hit the Childfree Personals. On this site, they can even ensure an offspring-free future by screening out candidates who have not yet been sterilized."

  • Yahoo News: Romanian Woman, 66, Said to Be World's Oldest Mom (1/16/05)
    "Lliescu, who will be 67 in May, became pregnant via in vitro fertilization and doctors said this was her third attempt at carrying a pregnancy to term."

  • American Demographics Magazine: Childless Couples an Emerging Demographic (11/1/04)

    "According to analysis done for American Demographics by Third Wave Research Group, a Madison, Wis.-based demographic marketing firm, childless couples spend more per person in almost every consumer category than their married-with-children counterparts. In general, married couples without kids have more discretionary income than households with children, says Ed Wallander, a principal at Third Wave."

  • Detroit News: Childless by Choice (10/26/04)

    "While the statistics are changing, the perceptions people have of those, particularly women, who don’t have children are often cloaked in the mores from 40 years ago, say child-free social groups such as No Kidding, a 20-year-old international club for couples and singles, based in Vancouver, British Columbia."

  • Yahoo! News: Shot Shows Promise As Male Contraceptive (11/11/2004)
    The world of male contraception has been limited to condoms and vasectomies. But researchers now point to a new method that shows promise — a shot that prompts an immune reaction to a protein produced in the male reproductive system.

  • Yahoo! News: Couple Has Twins for Second Time in Year (8/23/04)
    "The couple said the first set was born with a little help from medical science, while the latest pair was an 'oops.'" :(

  • Reuters: Firesetting, Animal Cruelty Tied to Poor Parenting (7/9/04)
    "More evidence linking family dysfunction to conduct behavior problems in children, and eventually adolescent delinquency, comes from a new study."
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