ChildfreeThinker Board Philosophy

"Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man,
and writing an exact man."
--Francis Bacon
ChildfreeThinker Board Philosophy:
Please Read Before Registering
Welcome to the ChildfreeThinker Discussion Board FAQ!
There are four kinds of people who are interested in joining this discussion board:
1. those who have chosen the childfree life for a variety of lifestyle, health, and philosophical reasons.
2. those who are thinking about not having children and want to have a safe place to discuss the pros and cons of both sides of the matter.
3. members of the media and academics looking for childfree interview subjects (please click here to find out how we can help you with your project).
4. those who misunderstand the true intent of this board (often through misguided hearsay) and seek to try to make trouble here, troll, or flame.
This ChildfreeThinker Board Philosophy Statement is especially for users that fall into the fourth category.
- Parenting is not for everyone. We believe there's room in the world for people who embrace a wide variety of valid lifestyles whether they choose to have children and mindfully raise them, adopt them, or choose the childfree life.
- Done well, the decision to raise children with awareness and attention is a lifetime commitment. Similarly, the decision to not have children is never undertaken lightly, but is usually arrived at after much careful consideration and introspection.
Being childfree is about making responsible choices as well as knowing one's limits, interests, and lifelong intentions. The primary focus of this site is meant to be a haven for those who have made this difficult yet equally valid decision.
- Flaming or trolling by those who choose to misunderstand the true purpose of the site will result in the immediate banning of the offending member(s) from the board. This is not one of the many hostile debate sites on the internet but a place for the childfree to discuss the challenges, joys, and complexities of their chosen path.
- This discussion board was created for those who fall under the first three categories of members listed above. If this describes you, please feel free to introduce yourself on the board as well as to read and reply to any topics that interest you. We're quite a friendly bunch and we don't bite! :)
- Conversely, rest assured that we will not allow users who fall into the third category to endanger the well-being of those for whom the board was created as a safe haven and celebration of the childfree life.
Enjoy the boards!!!