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"As any counsellor will tell you, it's the birth of the first child that threatens a couple the most. Childless couples are frequently the happiest, since they don't face a constant tussle for their attention, their affection and their purses."
--The Joys of Childlessness/ The Guardian (8/22/2002)
Features & Resources
- The Childfree in History/ Childfree Celebrities List A-M
You are not alone; a list of nearly 600 famous childfree authors, artists, actors, actresses, politicians, scientists, philanthropists, etc. in history (with relevant quotes).
- The Childfree in History/ Childfree Celebrities List N-Z
The list continues!
- Visit our Popular Childfree-Thinker Message Board
A place for the CF community to meet and share.
- Please Take Our Childfree By Choice Survey!
Help us make this growing website as useful as possible by taking this short survey!
- Common Reasons People Have Children (And A Few Thoughts)
Some intellectual ammunition for typical questions childfree people get asked about their choice.
- Interesting Video and Audio Clips About the Childfree Life
Video and audio clips and podcasts about the childfree life. Fascinating interviews, humorous commericals, birth control info, bad parenting hall of shame clips and more!
- Great Moments In Childfree History Timeline
From 1800BC to the present day, selected highlights.
- Childfree Happiness Is...
Even more reasons not to breed...feel confident in your choice!
- Childfree By Choice.Com Childfree-Thinker Weblog!
News archive about living childfree, related cultural and medical news and views, breeders acting badly, and more!
- Magazines, and Newspaper Articles About the Childfree Movement
[1979-2001 articles] / [2002-2003 articles]
Nearly 25 years (170+ articles with links and excerpts when available) of interesting reading related to this growing movement. A handy resource for journalists, researchers, social anthropologists, sociologists, demographers, and (of course) the childfree.
- Books About the Childfree Movement
Books about the Childfree by Choice lifestyle (pro and con), available from your local bookstore or public library.
- Inspiring Childfree Quotations
Thought provoking quotes from writers, artists, and others.
- Childfree Friendly Films and Videos
Finally....a list of films that don't extol the childed life.
- Breeder Not Parent Movies
Movies featuring irresponsible and selfish parents.
- Parent Not Breeder Movies
Movies featuring good, mindful parents. The way it should be.
- Breeder Celebrities Who Became Fathers After Age 50
Is it responsible to bring children into the world you might not be able to effectively raise to adulthood?
- Breeder Celebrities Who Became Mothers After Age 40
The health risks rise for women who give birth in their 40's and their children.
- Dubious Celebrity Parenting Quotes
You don't have to be a parent to raise an eyebrow at these questionable quotes.
- Bad Parenting Hall of Shame
Bad parenting sometimes has disasterous results.
- Childfree Humor and Diversions
The lighter side of the childfree life!
- Make a Difference
Find a volunteer opportunity in your community.
- Famous People Who Adopted Children
A listing of famous people who made other children their own.
- A Few Childfree Childrens' Book Authors
You'd be surprised how many authors of childrens' books have never had children.
- Meet Other Childfree People
Links to hundreds of Childfree Newsgroups, Chatrooms, and CF Dating Sites.
- Childproofing the World Hall of Shame
Links that explore the intersection of censorship and irresponsible parenting.
- The Childfree Links Page
General links of interest to the Childfree.
- Famous Women Who Died In Childbirth Or As a Result of Pregnancy Complications
A sad listing of authors and actresses.
- Childfree Heaven!
Humorous and provactive T-Shirts, mugs, and other apparel (and more!) that celebrate the childfee life. Wear your heart (and mind) on your sleeve and help support this frequently updated website.
- About Us
Our journey towards the childfree life.